Licensing and Installation of the Revd Dr James Bruce as ‘Transitional’ Team Rector
A New Era for the Cartmel Peninsula Team Ministry
On Friday, 20th July, members from all the 9 churches across the Cartmel Peninsula Team gathered at St Paul’s in Grange to see the Rt Rev’d Bishop of Carlisle, James Newcome, license the Rev’d Dr James (Jim) Bruce as Transitional Team Rector.
Carol Rhodes led in the procession of robed clergy and readers from the Windermere Deanery, followed by churchwardens from other churches in the Team. Jim Shaw, sacristan from Flookburgh, led in the Archdeacon, the Ven Vernon Ross, and Bishop James followed by the Revd Andrew Norman, our curate acting as Bishop’s chaplain. The Rural Dean, David Wilmot, welcomed the congregation of over 200, which included representatives from the other church denominations in the town, the schools, the community, and the uniformed organisations. An expanded choir, conducted by Charles Edmondson (Director of Music at St Paul’s), had been brought together from St Paul’s, Cartmel Priory and St John the Baptist’s Church, Flookburgh, with Adrian Self, Director of Music at Cartmel Priory, as organist.
The Archdeacon presented the new Rector to the Bishop, who read out the Declaration of Assent. Jim swore the Oath of Allegiance to the Queen and the Oath of Canonical Obedience to the Bishop. The licence was read out and handed over for Jim to sign. The Archdeacon then led him to the Minister’s stall and installed him to the office of Team Rector. The Bishop welcomed Jim and his wife, Valerie, and invited representatives from the Deanery, ecumenical partners, and the wider community across the peninsula to greet them.
The Team Rector had chosen three readings – from Psalm 133, Ephesians 4, 1-12, and St John 17, 20-23, each of which were read by churchwardens from the different parishes. The reading from St John reminded us of Jesus’ own prayer that we should all ‘be one’. The choir sang an anthem written by Adrian – ‘There’s a time for healing’, and the collection was taken for the Diocesan Growth Fund.
The next part of the service was a rededication of the Team. Clergy and readers who serve in the benefice stood alongside Jim as he received symbols of his ministry which he placed on the altar – water for baptism, a bible, a prayer book, and bread and wine, and together they pledged themselves to care for the communities and ‘to make this a place where Christian people are equipped for their life and witness in God’s world’.
During the final hymn, the Bishop and Archdeacon led Jim to the door of the church where blessings were given for the community. The music group from St Mary’s, Allithwaite, played as the clergy processed out.