St Paul’s Summer Fair

The day dawned bright and sunny for the Summer Fair at St Paul’s.   The stalls had been set up the previous day, and the helpers arrived early to wait for customers.

Business was slow at times but steady, and the bacon butties from the kitchen  were a draw – as ever.

Our thanks go to all our customers who supported the event, and to all the helpers on the stalls.  A handsome profit resulted.

    • Raffle             370
    • Cakes            215
    • Cafe               155
    • Plants            147
    • Books              93
    • Scarves           75
    • Bric-a-brac       66
    • Tombola          65
    • Donations        50
    • Tools               29
    • Craft                11
    • Fair  Trade    No  Sales  Yet
    • Total              1276

The photographs show three of the lucky winners in our bumper raffle.