Parish Magazine for June 2024

The new issue of the magazine has just been printed and is ready for collection.

Items of interest this month include:

  • Report with photographs of the licensing and installation of the Rev’d David Wilmot as the new Vicar
  • Posters for the summer fair on 1st June and for our next week-day concert on 11th June featuring flautist David Edmonds accompanied by Charles Edmondson
  • News from the Diocese about the ordinands for Petertide with a request for prayers for them and their families
  • An invitation from the two Archbishops to reflect and pray for the nation and our world in the run up to the general election
  • No. 22 in our series of ‘How I came to Grange’, this time from Carol Calveley
  • A reminder that 2nd June is World Environment Day, and the Great Big Green Week runs from 8-16th June,  with some useful eco-tips

Plus the usual rotas for the month, and some articles to make you think – and hopefully smile!

Enjoy – and remember that we are always happy to receive any interesting items for inclusion in future issues.