Celebrating Easter Day 2021
After weeks of isolation, at last the doors of St Paul’s were open to welcome worshippers to the special Easter Day service
celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Venerable Penny Driver led the service of Holy Communion, which was both joyous and uplifting. Organist Charles Edmondson returned from retirement, with guest Wendy Sharrock who sang the four hymns. During Communion, Wendy sang Panis angelica, which was particularly moving. Mike Hill, Churchwarden, and Audrey Gorman read the lessons appointed for Easter Day, and Mollie Bell the intercessions.
The Easter garden had been lovingly prepared by Helen Hill and Pat Brown, and pupils at the local Primary School had prepared their own display on the Stations of the Cross.
There were 80 communicants, and each received a slice of simnel cake and a miniature chocolate egg as they left the church.
On Good Friday, the church was opened for private prayer, and 39 people came through the doors. Charles Edmondson played suitable background music, and the Revd Canon Jackson spoke about Jesus’ seven words from the cross during the final hour, 2-3 pm.
Inevitably there were those who felt unable to get to church – for whatever reason – and they received their own special Easter gift.