Annual day for Primary Schools at the Priory

On 1st October the annual Cartmel Peninsula Primary Schools day took place in the Priory Church.   As usual this was organised and led by Jenny Leahy, with assistance from  Andrea and Chris, the local youth leaders, and a large number of adult helpers from many of the local churches.   The theme of the day revolved around “The Good Shepherd” and roughly 125 children from years five and six attended.

The different workshops included an outside treasure hunt, games, craftwork activities, drama, singing, and prayer understanding.   The children were welcomed by the Rev’d Nick Devenish and after all the six different workshops had been concluded, the Rev’ds Mark Houston and Jo Rand brought everybody together in the Priory for a short service of worship.

A note of thanks

What a wonderful team!  Thank you all so much for all that you put into the day to make it go so well, and special thanks to those who organised the different activities.

The Lord was good and kept the rain away making the outdoor activity possible. Hazel Edmondson put together some of the children’s responses (below) to the question ‘What was there in each bible text (that they could find around the grounds) that gave them hope even in dark times?’  I hope you find this encouraging.  Once again, thank you everyone.

Written comments from pupils  in the outdoor activity with Scripture texts

The Lord is my Shepherd

  • He will guide me and take care of me
  • If you are lost you will be guided by God

Be still and know that I am God

  • Stay still in the dark and shine a light
  • God is still here
  • God is real
  • Be quiet and listen to me because I’m God
  • Helps us to be calm
  • God is here for you
  • He will never let us down

We love because God first loved us

  • Carry God’s love to others
  • God’s heart loves everyone
  • God really loves us
  • God leads an example
  • Give back what God has done
  • Love is because of God

Do not be afraid for God is with you

  • God’s protecting you
  • God has got your back
  • Good to know God is with us
  • You will be loved in the darkest times
  • If you are by yourself and sad God will be with you all the way
  • We have nothing to fear with God watching over us

Trust in the Lord with all your heart

  • He is trustworthy
  • Trust the Lord, he won’t turn on you
  • God’s at your side
  • The Lord trusts us with all his heart
  • He is the trusted one

May the Lord bless you and keep you

  • He will always be on your side
  • He’ll Hello you
  • We will stay with God
  • God likes you
  • You are awesome
  • Keeping you safe and to always be kept company in dark times

In every season God is faithful

  • He will look after us in any weather
  • He always believes in you
  • God won’t give up
  • God has hope in you
  • God believes in us

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you

  • We should remember God
  • No one will forget you
  • Everyone is remembered
  • Thank you for all we have
  • God helps you remember those you love and helps you remember him

The joy of the Lord is my strength

  • God made us happy
  • You make him happy
  • Joy is the key to life
  • The fun of love

Nothing can separate us from God’s love

  • When pass away God’s love is still with us
  • Love is powerful
  • God’s love is unavoidable
  • He loves us so much
  • We are all part of God
  • God will always forgive you
  • Love is unbreakable from God

This is the day that the Lord has made

  • Every day is a good day for someone
  • God keeps the day alive
  • God is the reason you’re alive
  • Today is special
  • Every day belongs to God

Glory to God in the highest

  • Always aim for the highest
  • Celebrate the Lord
  • Everyone’s special – God thinks so
  • Remember to praise
  • God will be here for the highs and the lows
  • God is the best