Lent lunch at St Paul’s
St Paul's ChurchOne of the Lent lunches organised by Cartmel Peninsula Churches Together. Entry free, donations welcomed.
One of the Lent lunches organised by Cartmel Peninsula Churches Together. Entry free, donations welcomed.
The annual meeting to appoint Churchwarden and other officers, and to hear reports of all church activities.
A Quiet Day @ Field Broughton Village Hall “Consider Him”- entering into Holy Week What was Jesus doing in Jerusalem during that first Holy Week and what difference has it made? Arrivals and coffee at 9.30am. Four short addresses and space to reflect, concluding with a Eucharist. Bring a packed lunch. Drinks and biscuits provided. […]
Our annual event with all the usual stalls Cakes and produce Bric-a-Brac Books and jigsaws Plants Jewellery & scarves Tombola and, of course, the popular cafe with bacon butties on the menu Free entry