St Paul’s is part of Cartmel Peninsula Churches Together. Other Churches include the Methodist, Roman Catholic, United Reformed Church, Society of Friends, and the Hope Family Church.
Regular events include the following.
- Grange Youth Trust co-ordinating work among the young people on the peninsula. Their latest newsletter is available. Following a rigorous recruitment and selection process, Andrea Mason has been appointed our new Community & Youth Leader. The report to the CPCT AGM is available here.
- The Co-Workers for Mother Teresa meets every month for prayer and meditation – 5 pm in St Charles Church on the 4th Monday, and coordinate collections for the Foodbank at Barrow. Parcels are also sent on to Millom and Ulverston. The next collection is on Sunday, 31st January 2025, 1-3 pm, at the Father Magner Room at St Charles Church.
- Lent lunches each Friday from noon in aid this year for the Leprosy Mission.
- Prayers are said each month on the 2nd Sunday, 7.30 pm, in the Methodist Church, for the Youth Project. Exciting news
- Joint events and services of worship at various times of the year, eg Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (January), World Day of Prayer (March), Christian Aid week (May), One World Week (October), Advent.
- The Men’s Breakfast Club meets on the first Saturday of the month at 8.30 am at the Methodist Church. All men welcome! It is a great way of making friends across our different churches, and chatting over good food.
- Visit to Cartmel Grange Care Home on the last Tuesday of each month at 2.30 pm for a short service of worship with hymns/songs, and a chance to chat to the residents.
- Visit to the Old Vicarage Care Home on the last Sunday of each month at 2.30 pm for a short service of worship with hymns/songs, and a chance to chat to the residents.
- Stillness & song – Quiet, reflection and song in the style of the Taize community, 6-7 pm in the Methodist Church – 2nd February, 13th April, 1st June, 5th October, 7th December in 2025
- Men’s walking group meets fortnightly on Thursdays, sometimes locally, sometimes further afield in the Lakes or Dales. Walks are sometimes easy, sometimes more testing and usually 5 -1 0 miles. If interested please contact Mervyn Hull (07967 975232 or [email protected])
- Repair Cafe (with PEAT) in the Methodist Hall, Fridays 5-7 pm, 3rd January, 7th February, 7th March 2025
- Carol singing in December, with an Advent Carol Service, usually in the Boarbank Chapel
- Praise on the Prom each Sunday in July and August 4.30-5.30 pm near Clare House railway bridge
Each month a CTiC newsletter is circulated, and minutes of the meetings are published. Annual Gathering and AGM on 7th June 10 am to 3 pm at the Carver Uniting Church, Winderemere (LA23 2BY).
There was a Vigil for Ukraine – and Russia – led by the Revd David Edmondson on the 12th March 2023 at the peace pavement in the ornamental gardens in Grange, which was attended by over 60 people. The AGM for Grange was held on Tuesday, 14th May, 7 pm, at St Paul’s Church, and the minutes are available here.